Self-Portrait as an Ecosystem
in-progress installation
Documentation video above: click “play” button at center of image to play.
Documentation video above: click “play” button at center of image to play.
Ecosystem Map
Ecosystem Map
Self-portrait as an Ecosystem explores how the idiosyncrasies of human perception shape information as it flows through us.
Architect Toyo Ito writes beautifully about “form as a manifestation of flow.” To me this phrase frames our built environment as a manifestation of the flow of people and information. It also frames the natural world and living things as a manifestation of the flow of energy: chemical, kinetic, heat, etc. This makes me wonder - what are the different kinds of feedback between form and flow? For example our actions shape our habitat, which in turn shapes our behavior. How does our perception inform these actions?
In Self-portrait as an Ecosystem, I present sculptures in near-total darkness against black velvet. The sculptures are almost invisible, but they are revealed through projected light. As visitors move around the space, they synthesize an impression of the objects in front of them. They also absorb and explore the systems that animate the space.
Self-portrait as an Ecosystem explores how the idiosyncrasies of human perception shape information as it flows through us.
Architect Toyo Ito writes beautifully about “form as a manifestation of flow.” To me this phrase frames our built environment as a manifestation of the flow of people and information. It also frames the natural world and living things as a manifestation of the flow of energy: chemical, kinetic, heat, etc. This makes me wonder - what are the different kinds of feedback between form and flow? For example our actions shape our habitat, which in turn shapes our behavior. How does our perception inform these actions?
In Self-portrait as an Ecosystem, I present sculptures in near-total darkness against black velvet. The sculptures are almost invisible, but they are revealed through projected light. As visitors move around the space, they synthesize an impression of the objects in front of them. They also absorb and explore the systems that animate the space.
1. Turntable
This piece is the focal point of the ecosystem. It is a 3-foot diameter abstract geometry that receives projection. By turning this sculpture, the visitor changes the content projected through it. Turning the sculpture also changes the projection on every other piece in the show.
1. Turntable
This piece is the focal point of the ecosystem. It is a 3-foot diameter abstract geometry that receives projection. By turning this sculpture, the visitor changes the content projected through it. Turning the sculpture also changes the projection on every other piece in the show.
2. Wheel: Stars & Reef
Two 5-foot diameter wheels emerge from the two large figures. The reef grows from the pool of fluids beneath the decomposing figure lying on the ground. The stars emerge from the gaze of the seated figure. The visitors may explore a branching and emergent story by spinning the wheel in different directions.
2. Wheel: Stars & Reef
Two 5-foot diameter wheels emerge from the two large figures. The reef flows from the pool of fluids beneath the decomposing figure lying on the ground. The stars emerge from the gaze of the seated figure. The visitor may explore a branching and emergent story by spinning the wheel in different directions.
3. Figures: Sitting & Laying
There will be two dark gray 9 foot-tall mesh figures seated and laying on the floor made to disappear against black velvet. They will be revealed by projected effects including lines, gradients, and fluid-like particle simulations. All projected content will be controlled live by the turntable. A projected ocean of fluids will grow from beneath the laying figure.
3. Figures: Sitting & Laying
There will be two 1.5x scale mesh figures seated and laying on the floor. They will be painted dark gray and made to disappear against black velvet fabric. They will be revealed only by projected effects including lines, gradients, and fluid-like particle simulations. All projected content will be controlled live by the turntable. A projected ocean of fluids will grow from beneath the laying figure.
4. A Moth
The space is also home to the flight path of a moth, weaving its way through the gallery. Visitors may animate the moth by spinning the turntable.
4. A Moth
The space is also home to the flight path of a moth, weaving its way through the gallery. Visitors may animate the moth (bring it to life) by turning the dodecahedron sculpture.
5. Responsive Wall: Forest & Rain
The walls of the show will feature traces of trees formed from mesh. As the visitors stand still, the walls will respond by producing digitally rendered trees, flowers, and organisms that flow into their silhouette. Occasionally, there will be rainstorms where each drop of rain responds to the silhouette of the visitor.
5. Responsive Wall: Forest & Rain
The walls of the show will feature traces of trees formed from mesh. As the visitors stand still, the walls will respond by producing digitally rendered trees, flowers, and organisms that flow into their silhouette. Occasionally, there will be rainstorms where each drop of rain responds to the silhouette of the visitor.
6. Magic Window
This window will open to what appears to be outside. There will be a wheel-shaped section of polarizing filter mounted in front of a modified LCD screen + polycarbonate sculpture. When viewed in isolation, the screen will appear to be white. When the polarizing filter intercepts the viewer’s line of sight, colors and animation are revealed.
6. Magic Window
This window will open to what appears to be outside. There will be a wheel-shaped section of polarizing filter mounted in front of a modified LCD screen + polycarbonate sculpture. When viewed in isolation, the screen will appear to be white. When the polarizing filter intercepts the viewer’s line of sight, colors and animation are revealed.
Studies, Sketches, Odds & Ends
Below are some of my studies and sketches for the large figurative sculptures. I sculpted these busts/heads and skeleton from scratch using Sculpey bakeable clay and/or Plastecine oil clay.
Studies, Odds & Ends
Below are some of my studies and sketches for the large figurative sculptures. I sculpted these busts/heads and skeleton from scratch using Sculpey bakeable clay and/or Plastecine oil clay.
Ideas Map
Below is a mental map of my ecosystem based on some of my favorite quotes.
Ideas Map
Below is a mental map of my ecosystem based on some of my favorite quotes.